How to Clean Gold Jewellery the Right Way
Gold jewellery is a timeless accessory that can make any outfit look glamorous. Still, taking care of your gold pieces properly is essential to keep them looking shiny and beautiful for years. Properly cleaning your gold jewellery is easy, but there are some steps you should take to ensure that you don’t damage your pieces or diminish their shine. Read on as we show you how to clean gold jewellery correctly.
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies & Separate Your Jewellery
Before cleaning your gold jewellery, ensure you have all the necessary supplies. You will need a soft cloth, mild dishwashing liquid, an old toothbrush and lukewarm water. Ensure that these items are non-abrasive, as they can scratch your gold jewellery if they are too rough. Also, be sure to separate all of your pieces before beginning—this will help prevent any details from becoming tangled during the cleaning process and will also help prevent scratches and damage.
Step 2: Start With A Gentle Cleaning
Once you have gathered all the supplies and separated out all the pieces, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid into a bowl of lukewarm water and mix it until it forms suds. Dip a corner of a soft cloth into the mixture and use it to gently scrub each piece of jewellery one at a time until it is clean. If dirt or grime is stuck in hard-to-reach places on the piece, use an old toothbrush with soft bristles dipped in the soapy water to clean those areas. Be sure not to scrub too hard or press too firmly on delicate stones such as diamonds or pearls, as this could cause them to become loose over time.
Step 3: Rinse & Dry Your Pieces
Once each piece has been cleaned with soap and water, rinse each item with lukewarm water until all traces of soap are gone. Then place each piece onto a dry cloth and use another corner to pat each piece dry before setting them aside so they can air dry completely before putting them away or wearing them again.
Cleaning gold jewellery may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With just a few simple steps, you can easily keep your precious pieces looking new for many years! Remember that gentleness is vital when cleaning gold jewellery; use only non-abrasive materials such as soft cloths and mild dishwashing liquid when cleaning any type of gold jewellery item for best results! With these tips, anyone can effortlessly keep their beloved gold jewellery sparkling like new!